The Importance of Maintenance for Custom Swimming Pools

Having a custom swimming pool built on your property is a dream come true for many homeowners. It adds value to your property and creates a personal space for you and your family to relax, have fun and get some exercise. However, a custom pool requires maintenance to ensure it remains in tip-top shape. Regular maintenance helps to keep the pool clean, the water clear, and the pool equipment working correctly. This blog will discuss the importance of maintenance for custom swimming pools.

1. Safety

Keeping your custom swimming pool in good condition ensures that it remains safe for your family, friends, and pets. Regular maintenance includes the cleaning and checking of the pool’s chemicals, filters, and sanitation systems. This helps to prevent bacterial and algal growth, which can lead to serious health issues.

2. Cost-effective

Maintaining your custom swimming pool can save you money in the long run. Minor issues ignored can lead to significant problems, which can result in expensive repairs. Routine maintenance checks can identify potential problems before they get out of hand and can be fixed before they worsen. Moreover, proper maintenance extends the lifespan of your swimming pool and reduces the need for expensive replacement down the line.

3. Aesthetics

A well-maintained custom swimming pool adds value and beauty to your home. A clean swimming pool that is sparkling blue and surrounded by a well-manicured landscape improves the overall appearance of your home. This is especially important if you’re looking to sell the property in the future.

4. Improves Water Quality

Water quality is a significant concern for pool owners. Swimmers want to relax in clean and clear water. It is challenging to maintain optimal quality water consistently without maintenance. Regular cleaning and frequent water testing can help easily prevent significant problems.

5. Energy Efficiency

Poorly maintained pool equipment, filter, pump, and cleaning systems will increase energy usage, costing more to operate overtime. Regular pool maintenance ensures that this equipment operates efficiently and remains in excellent condition. Ignoring maintenance can result in significant equipment malfunction, leading to higher energy bills that are costly and bad for the environment.

Why You Should Get Professional Custom Pool Maintenance

Professional pool maintenance companies are knowledgeable about the best ways to care for your swimming pool, spa, and other features. They also know how to diagnose any potential issues before they become major problems. By getting a professional custom pool maintenance plan tailored to suit your needs, you can ensure that your swimming area is always clean, healthy, and safe by adhering to specific industry standards.

Secondly, a professional team of pool maintenance experts is experienced enough to know how to keep up with the latest trends in swimming pool technology so that you always have access to the best products and services. They also advise on any additional features you may be interested in adding so that your pool area will look its best.

Where To get Expert Custom Swimming Pools Maintenance

With so many contractors on the market, getting your services from a tried and trusted contractor is always advisable. At Calimingo, they have a team of highly experienced professionals who will work with you to create the perfect pool maintenance plan for your exact needs. They offer services such as weekly chemical checks, monthly deep cleans, and more to help maintain your swimming area in peak condition.

A custom swimming pools are a luxurious addition to any home. However, it is essential to maintain it for safety, cost-effectiveness, and aesthetics. Proper maintenance also means less impact on the environment and increases your property’s value. By taking advantage of Calimingo’s high-quality pool maintenance services, you can guarantee that your pool is always well-maintained, hygienic, and safe.


4 Tips For Designing Your Bedroom on a Budget

Designing your own bedroom is a fun process, however, it can be a challenge if you don’t have the budget you’d like to work with. Yet, despite not having millions of dollars to spend in the most expensive furniture stores in the world, you can still make your bedroom chic and stylish—all it takes are a few creative tips. If you’re ready to design the perfect bedroom without spending a fortune, here are some of the best tips to see you through.


When you have a limited budget to work with, it’s important that you prioritize a list of what you need. Since you can’t possibly buy everything you want, start with the most important items on the top of the list and allocate them to your budget first.

Determine which parts of your bedroom design you can’t live without, and buy those first. For example, buy a bed frame and a mattress before worrying about fancy bedding. In other words, focus on making the cake before you worry about adding the icing.

DIY is Your Friend

As much as you might like to buy everything new, don’t forget that you’re working with a strict budget. DIY whatever you can, and have fun doing it! From repurposing old furniture that you buy at thrift stores to creating your own art, there are all sorts of different ways that you can incorporate DIY into your bedroom.

The best part is not only will you save yourself a considerable amount of money creating things yourself, but many times DIY comes out much better than anything you could buy in the store. If you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind unique piece, then make it yourself!

Buy Used

Before you start allocating all your budget to brand new pieces, consider shopping around for second-hand first. From garage sales to online marketplaces like Facebook, you’d be surprised how many almost brand-new items you can find for a fraction of the price.

Not only that, you’re doing the earth a favor by buying used instead of constantly buying new. Don’t be afraid of breathing new life into used items either. You can always reupholster or paint things to switch it up a little. It’s all about having a creative eye.

Embrace Color

Although muted tones like tans, grays, and beiges are all the latest rage, don’t be afraid to embrace a little color! Painting an accent wall in your bedroom can make a strong impact on the overall look and feel of the room, and make it look much more expensive than it actually is. If paint isn’t your thing, then consider adding wallpaper to one wall. A little splash of bold color can make you feel like you’re in a 5-star hotel.

Got a Free Weekend? Do a Home Project

Home improvement projects can range from small, simple fixes to larger, more complex renovations. However, not everyone has the time, money, or expertise for big projects. That’s where weekend DIY projects come in handy. Bring out the Paso Robles Red Blend, sit down with a notepad, and get some ideas for your project. These projects are perfect for anyone looking to improve their home without committing to a long-term renovation. In this article, we’ll discuss some home improvement projects you can do on a weekend that will make a big difference in your home.

  • Painting

Painting is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to transform a room. It can give a space an entirely new look and feel in just a few hours. Whether you want to brighten up a dull room with a fresh coat of white paint or add a bold accent wall, painting is a great DIY project for a weekend. You can paint a single room or tackle the whole house, depending on your time and budget.

  • Update Your Hardware

Sometimes small changes can make a big impact. Replacing outdated hardware such as doorknobs, handles, and hinges can modernize a room and make it feel more cohesive. This is a simple and affordable DIY project that can be done in a few hours. You can choose hardware that matches your style and budget, from modern to vintage, and everything in between.

  • Add a Backsplash

A backsplash can add character and style to your kitchen or bathroom. It’s also a practical solution to protect your walls from spills and splatters. There are endless options for backsplash materials, from subway tiles to mosaic designs. Depending on the size of the area, a backsplash can be installed on a weekend, and you can have a new look in your kitchen or bathroom in no time.

  • Install Shelving

Installing shelving is a great way to organize and display your belongings. Whether you want to add shelves to your closet, pantry, or living room, it’s a simple DIY project that can be completed on a weekend. You can choose from various materials such as wood, metal, or glass and customize them to fit your style and needs. It’s also an affordable way to add storage to your home without breaking the bank.

  • Replace Lighting Fixtures

Lighting is an essential aspect of any room, and updating your fixtures can make a big difference in the ambiance and functionality of your space. Replacing outdated or broken fixtures with modern designs can add style and elegance to your home. It’s a simple DIY project that can be done over a weekend, and you can choose from various styles, from chandeliers to pendant lights.

  • Refinish Furniture

Refinishing furniture is a great way to give old pieces new life. Whether it’s a dresser, table, or chair, refinishing can transform an old, dated piece into a modern, stylish one. You can sand, stain, or paint the piece to fit your style and preferences. Refinishing furniture is a DIY project that requires some time and patience but can be completed in a weekend.

  • Upgrade Your Bathroom

Upgrading your bathroom doesn’t have to be a major renovation project. Small changes such as replacing the showerhead, installing a new toilet, or adding a new vanity can make a big difference in the look and feel of your bathroom. You can also replace old, worn-out towels and shower curtains with new ones to add a pop of color and style. Depending on your budget and time, you can tackle one or more of these projects in a weekend.

  • Landscaping

The exterior of your home is just as important as the interior. Landscaping is a great way to enhance your curb appeal and make your home more welcoming. Whether you want to plant a new garden, add a walkway, or install a new fence, landscaping can be a DIY project that can be done.

In conclusion, there are various home improvement projects you can do on a weekend that can enhance the look and functionality of your home. Whether you want to update your lighting fixtures, paint a room, or install shelving, these projects are simple, affordable, and can be completed in a short amount of time. By taking the time to tackle these DIY projects, you can add value to your home and make it a more enjoyable space for you and your family to live in.


4 Tips For Lowering Your Energy Bill

Heating up your home, taking showers, and powering your household appliances don’t come cheap. Statistics show that the average family spends about $150 on electricity alone every month.

The great news is that there are ways to reduce this and put more money in your pocket at the end of the year. Here is a list of some simple ways you can lower your energy bill, save money, and reduce your impact on the earth.

Adjust Your Thermostat

During colder months, some people don’t hesitate to crank up the heat. However, adjusting your thermostat by even just a few degrees can make a significant difference in how much you pay. Instead of turning up the heat, why not put on a warm fleece, or place a blanket over your legs? This small gesture can add up to hundreds over the course of the year.

During the warmer months, consider using fans instead of an air conditioner. Even though an air conditioner certainly does the trick, it can make a significant difference in your energy bill. By strategically placing fans throughout your home next to windows to create an airflow, you can cool down your home with a fraction of the electricity required for an air conditioner.

Wash Your Clothes on Cold

Washing your clothes on a hot cycle may seem like the smartest choice in terms of hygiene. However, if you choose the right cycle, washing your clothes with cold water can be just as effective and provide just as good of a wash. In addition to choosing a cold cycle to wash your clothes, you should also consider choosing an energy-reducing cycle. These are often longer cycles that consume less energy. Fast cycles may be faster, but they use a huge surge of energy to get the wash done in a fraction of the time.

Turn the Lights off

One of the biggest causes of high electric bills is leaving the lights on. Even though it might seem simple to turn the lights on, many people have a lot of trouble remembering to do so. If you can’t remember to turn the lights off you should set your lights on timers. With your lights on a timer, you’ll reduce your energy usage, and have the peace of mind of knowing that you don’t leave the lights on while you’re gone.

Take Fewer and Shorter Showers

Showers don’t just require you to increase your water bill, but heating your water also requires electricity. Taking fewer and shorter showers can cut your energy bill significantly over the course of the year. If possible, have your children take baths or showers together. The less time you spend in the shower, the more savings you’ll see in your energy bill over time.


Make 2023 the Year of the Roof Health Check! Here’s Why!

We all want to become a better version of ourselves in the new year. Making sure you give your roof a health check might not be the most obvious way of doing this. However, a roof health check could lead to your home becoming safer, warmer and more aesthetically pleasing. Find out more reasons why you should become the kind of person who gets regular roof health checks from 2023 onwards.

You could save money on home maintenance in the long term

A roof health check does what it says on the tin. It is when you get a professional roofer to visit your home and inspect the roof for any potential repairs and maintenance work that needs completing.

Getting your roof checked twice a year– every spring and autumn– is recommended as it means your roof is ready for seasons where weather conditions may be more extreme.

Regular roof checks are worth it because the roofer will be able spot any work that needs completing early on. In the roofing world, the sooner you get the work completed the better. This is because many homeowners consider a small issue like a couple of loose tiles as a job that can be put off. However, minor roof defects can lead to disastrous and very costly levels of damage if left unattended.

It therefore works out cheaper to keep your roof checked over regularly and have small issues fixed as soon as they’re spotted.

By preparing your roof for more extreme weather conditions, you can avoid having to compete to get your roof fixed too. In the wake of Storm Eunice, searches for roofing repairs increased on Checkatrade by 693% and inevitably, roofers were struggling to meet demand.

Unfortunately, this left many homeowners having to deal with roofing problems during the colder months for longer than they typically would.

A roof health check = peace of mind

You know that feeling you have during a horror film when you know disaster is going to strike the protagonist but you’re not sure when?

That is how it feels when you don’t know what condition your roof is in.

Professional roofers see roofing horror stories all too often. However, the most heartbreaking part of it all is that they know that most roofing disasters could be prevented with proper care.

Having a roof health check completed means you will know right away how your roof is holding up. Ideally, the roofer will inform you that your roof is looking good and doesn’t need any maintenance this time around. Fortunately, the worst case scenario for many people is that the roofer discovers some minor repairs need to take place.

Either way, you can relax knowing that your roof is in good nick and you don’t have to think about it again for a few months.

It could be done for free and without obligation

As previously mentioned, regular roof health checks can reduce costs by keeping home maintenance costs down. Did you know that roof health checks can also be of great value to the consumer because some companies offer them for free and without obligation too?

Not all roofing companies will offer their roof health checks with these characteristics but the best Sunderland roofing contractors certainly will.

This is great for consumers as it means they can shop around for the best deal if they need repairs and choose the most competent roofers for the job.


The Essential Things to Remember for the Effective Maintenance of Your Air Conditioning System


It doesn’t matter if you have an air conditioning system for your entire home or business premises or if it is just relegated to a single room or space. No matter what size it is, it would help if you remembered not to overwork your system, or it will not last. Most of the central air conditioning systems available in the northeastern or Midwest sections of the country have two standard parts – the outdoor unit or condenser/compressor and the indoor unit or evaporator, which is often found in a duct beside the furnace. There is a proper way to maintain it, and if you would like it to be in tip-top condition, you should have a local service maintain and check it for you annually. But there are some things you can do, too, and here are the essential things to remember to maintain your air conditioning system effectively.

  • Remember to clean it regularly – this is the number one rule, as the experts from McNally HVAC would always confirm. The first thing you can do to maintain your unit regularly is to clean it each month or more often if you live in an area with lots of debris and dirt. Pay particular attention to the fins, and clean them with a soft brush. Fins are delicate, and they can easily be crushed or bent, and on many AC units, you would have to unscrew a metal container to get to the fins. It’s a good idea to check the manual to be careful when lifting off the container so as not to bump the fins. If the fins are crushed or bent, you can realign them using a dinner knife – exert a gentle but firm pressure and avoid inserting the knife too deep.
  • You can also acquire a programmable thermostat, a must-have for many AC systems. The thermostat is convenient and valuable because it allows you to set your temperature for different times of the day. It even automatically adjusts to the temperature in a room, which lets you save money and not waste energy.
  • If your air conditioning unit is noisy and your condenser is new, it is most probably coming from your compressor, which is located outdoors. You can first call the manufacturer to ask them if there is a ‘sound blanket’ for the air conditioner model you have, or you can opt to purchase a universal blanket (you can buy one online) which can drown out the sound. It’s easy to install it, but avoid putting a blanket on an older unit – it is not likely to drown out the noise, which may be coming from the fan.
  • Unclog the drain tube. If you notice water forming around the system’s furnace while the air conditioner is running, it is probably from a clogged drain tube. The condensed water from the coils can contain bacteria, which, in turn, can turn into slime and end up clogging the drain tube – so to get rid of the blockage, you would need a large drain hose and some chemical tablets. But, again, if you’re unsure how to deal with it, you can call in an expert service that can also do regular maintenance.

Why Should We Recycle Old Furniture?

When old furniture is disposed of in landfills, it can release harmful chemicals into the environment. These chemicals can contaminate soil and water, and potentially cause health problems for people and animals. Additionally, decomposing furniture can produce methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.

Therefore, it’s important to dispose of old furniture responsibly. Many communities have programs in place for recycling or donating unwanted furniture. By taking advantage of these programs, you can help protect the environment and keep old furniture out of landfills.

Yes, furniture can be recycled. However, it is important to note that not all furniture can be recycled. For example, particle board and pressboard cannot be recycled. But, wood furniture can be recycled. The recycling process begins by removing any nails or screws from the piece of furniture. The wood is then chopped into small pieces and sent to a mill where it is ground into pulp. The pulp is then used to create new products, such as paper or particle board. Furniture made from metal or plastic can also be recycled. Metal furniture is usually melted down and reformed into new products, while plastic furniture is ground up and used to create new plastics.

Recycling furniture is a great way to reduce waste and help the environment. Yes, rubbish removal services can recycle furniture. They will often take the furniture to a local recycling centre where it can be properly disposed of. This is a great way to get rid of old furniture that you no longer need or want. It is also a good way to help the environment by recycling instead of throwing the furniture away in a landfill.

Furniture removal Sydney services play an important role in keeping waste out of landfills. By providing a convenient and affordable way to dispose of waste, they help to reduce the amount of waste that is sent to landfill each year.

Landfills are the final destination for many types of waste, including household rubbish, construction and demolition debris, and industrial and commercial waste. While landfills can be a safe and effective way to dispose of waste, they can also have a negative impact on the environment. Landfills can release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, contaminate groundwater, and create visual pollution.

Rubbish removal services help to reduce the environmental impacts of landfill disposal by providing an alternative way to dispose of waste. By collecting and transporting waste to recycling facilities, rubbish removal services can help to reduce the amount of waste that is sent to landfill each year. In addition, by providing education and awareness about waste reduction and recycling, rubbish removal services can help to reduce the amount of waste produced in the first place.

Benefits of a Tornado Safe Room

Tornadoes can completely level home and everything in it. They can destroy your home in seconds and leave you with nothing. Tornadoes can change your life in an instant, and this is why it’s so important to prepare for them. Every year, more than 1,200 tornadoes hit the United States alone, according to the National Severe Storms Laboratory, which is why having a tornado safe room is so important.

What’s a Tornado Safe Room?

A tornado safe room or storm shelter refers to a hardened structure specially crafted to match FEMA criteria and offer complete protection in life-threatening weather events such as hurricanes and tornadoes.

A tornado shelter is not the same as a basement. A basement can be an excellent place to seek shelter, but only if it has been specifically built to withstand high winds and flying debris. Building your own storm shelter is not recommended.

A tornado safe room should be installed as close to the home as possible. You can have an under stairs tornado shelter built into a garage or installed outside the home.

A typical above-ground safe room is a small, windowless fortified room with walls and a ceiling reinforced with steel and/or concrete. The door should be made of reinforced steel or wood at least 3 inches thick and should have a heavy-duty deadbolt lock that opens outward, away from the storm.

Tornado Safe Room Benefits

Tornadoes are violent destructive and can form anywhere at any time. The safest place to be is in a tornado safe room or storm shelter.

There are many options for tornado-safe rooms. They can be built as a separate structure outside your home, inside the garage, or under the ground. You can also have a safe room built within your house.

Some of the benefits of a Tornado safe room include;

  1. You will be prepared for any kind of disaster that comes along. Tornadoes are not the only type of disaster that can strike anywhere at any time. Your safe room will also protect you from many other natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and even fires. In addition to protecting you from natural disasters, a tornado safe room will also protect you from intruders who may try to harm you or your family members.
  2. You’ll be able to save on insurance costs if your home has a tornado safe room installed in it. Many insurance companies offer discounts to homeowners who have safe rooms installed because they know that their valuables are much less likely to be destroyed if they are being kept in a safe room
  3. Peace of Mind – Having a tornado safe room will give you peace of mind knowing that if disaster strikes, you have done all you can to protect yourself, your family, and your home

Key Takeaway

Tornado safe rooms must meet specific criteria to qualify as a safe place during severe weather. They must be strong enough to withstand 200 miles per hour winds, which is the average wind speed of an F5 tornado. They also cannot contain any windows or glass since glass can shatter and break under heavy pressure.

Most importantly, they must be resistant to flying debris, which causes most tornado fatalities. Most safe rooms are constructed from concrete or reinforced steel to meet this requirement.

3 Tips For Teaching Your Kids How To Conserve Water At Home

For many people, reducing their waste is one of their main goals in life. But while you yourself might have a lot of practice with this, your kids might not know how or understand why it’s important not to waste things in your home, especially when it comes to water.

To help you get this point across to them and encourage them to take steps in the right direction, here are three tips for teaching your kids how to conserve water at home.

Make Short Showers A Game

One place in which your children likely use the most water in the house is in the bathroom. From using the toilet to bathing and brushing their teeth, there’s a lot of water that gets used by children in bathrooms. But luckily, there are small changes that can be made to make a big difference.

In most cases, taking a shower uses less water than taking a bath. If your children are able to take showers, switching to a shower, even if it’s just a few times a week, can help save a lot of water. Additionally, once your kids get used to showering, you can make a game out of taking the fastest shower while still getting clean. This can make using less water into something that’s fun and exciting rather than some kind of punishment.

Teach Proper Washing Techniques

Something that all parents try to teach their children is how to properly wash using water. Unfortunately, having kids wash things often means wasting a lot of water as they try to figure things out.

To help reverse this, you can try allowing them to wash things using a bucket of water rather than running water. For things like washing their bikes or scooters, using a bucket and sponge can help them get their belongings just as clean without having water running the entire time.

Only Wash Full Loads Of Laundry

When you have kids, you’re going to be doing a lot of laundry to keep up with their messes. This can mean using a lot of water to get clothes clean. But if you’re not careful with when and how often you do laundry, you could wind up wasting a lot of water.

To help your kids work to help you avoid wasting water by doing laundry, help them learn that only full loads of laundry will get washed. This might mean waiting to have certain pieces of clothing washed until a full load is ready. And while this might be an inconvenience at times, it will help to waste the least amount of water.

If you’re wanting to get your kids to be better about conserving water at home, consider using the tips mentioned above to help them learn how to waste less water.


Home Management Tips for the Stay-at-Home Business Owner

For the past few years, working at home has become more and more commonplace due to the rise of remote team management alongside other circumstances. It’s gotten to the point where a business owner could potentially handle every aspect of their business from the comfort of their home.

That said, it’s not always easy to do that when you aren’t happy with the current state of your house. Home improvement can be tough to manage for those with a hectic schedule, but it’s more than possible with a few easy tips. Here’s how you can get started without breaking the bank in the process!

  • Learning when to call the professionals

There are going to be times when you might want to tackle home improvement projects in a DIY fashion — but inexperienced homeowners might end up making the issue worse. In such cases, it’s best to get the help of professionals to get the job done with as few hiccups as possible. For example, if you’re having trouble with roofing and you happen to be in the area, roof contractors Rockford IL can help ensure you make the most out of your opportunities. It allows you to focus on what you do best while solving the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The same thing goes for anything involving plumbing at home. Once you see a leak or any other plumbing issue, it could be only a symptom of something worse. Hiring professionals to search for the root cause is a good idea, especially if you’re too busy to do the legwork on your own.

  • Taking advantage of spring cleaning

Home management and improvement is all about making things as efficient, especially if you spend most of the day working on your company. You’ll want a work environment that doesn’t stress you out, ensuring your work area is as comfortable and accommodating as possible. You can get started by thoroughly cleaning the area.

Even homeowners that want to go for more drastic projects are sometimes surprised at how much of a difference cleaning can make. In many cases, homeowners realize that a bit of cleaning was all they wanted out of their home.

  • Giving yourself the time you need to get the job done

Last but certainly not least, home improvement projects aren’t something you can rush, especially when you already have so many things to do. Instead, it’s best to pace yourself and plan ahead to ensure you can get things done without stressing yourself out in the process. Home improvement is something you can accomplish in phases, and you can make it easier by writing down a schedule and giving yourself enough time to rest.


As a stay-at-home business owner, it’s understandable to want to prioritize your company over everything else. However, you don’t have to neglect home improvement in the process. The above tips can ensure you make the most out of your opportunities without being overwhelmed by existing work responsibilities.