Back to school time has come for thousands of students across the United States, and the state of the education system is still largely up in the air. The spread of the novel coronavirus has radically changed the way in which we live, and the way we educate is also on the fringe.
With so many unknown variables still on the table, schooling your children at home seems to be the safest idea. Take a look at a few things you should think about as you travel through these challenging times, and assure that your child’s education is not compromised this year.
You’ll have to be more disciplined
Taking on the support role in your child’s education from home means something more than supporting them while they’re learning in school. Millions of parents have experienced growing pains alongside their children while figuring out how to juggle and manage home education.
One of the most important qualities you’ll need to grab ahold of is discipline. You are now responsible for maintaining your child’s learning routine and the structure it takes to keep their education on a clear path forward.
Make a peaceful space for your child to learn
If you have yet to designate a quiet space for your child to learn, now is the time. You may want to set up a junior office space in the spare bedroom or the dining room, so your child can shut out all the distractions that may be roaming the house.
It’s important that your child isn’t forced to deal with multiple interruptions and distractions while they are learning. You want to do the best you can to simulate the conditions of a classroom.
Invest in enriching learning materials
You can make learning more fun for your kid by investing some of your extra stimulus funds into enriching materials. For instance, you may have a musically inclined child. Purchasing a new piano or other instrument for them to use while they’re stuck at home will help their talents progress. Adding an iPad to the mix will also help your child do more to build their knowledge.
Upgrade your home’s streaming capabilities
Your child will need reliable and consistent access to the internet to sufficiently progress their education from home.
It’s a good idea to look into upgrading your home’s streaming capabilities. Invest in boosting your internet speeds, and give your kid the best chance possible to learn something new today.
Communicate with your child’s teachers
You should still make a conscious effort to communicate regularly with your student’s teachers, even though the work is being done at home. Regular communication will help to keep everyone involved in your child’s education on the same page.