If it comes in a bottle and is used to treat anything to do with something that if effecting the pet or human ECS system negatively, it should come with a dosage requirement or instructions on how much to take. If it does not have this information on the product packaging, then seek the advice of your vet immediately before opening that bottle or putting it into your pet’s food or mouth.
Even though it is still in its infancy with research and conclusive studies, many pet owners have seen a significant difference in their pet’s ailments whilst using this natural ingredient in their diet. You can visit this amazing page to see what testimonials pet owners have provided for their furry pooches.
CBD or Cannabidiol has been seen to be hugely beneficial and safe to use out canine companions. Whether you need to add some nutritional value to their overall diet or maybe treating a specific issue such as inflammation, pain, loss of appetite, or anxiety it is important to make sure you are giving it the right doses. So, what dosage of CBD should you use for your dog?
How Much Is an Acceptable Amount?
Did you know that it can take anywhere between 3 to 10 days for any CBD elements to leave your pet’s system? So, before deciding how much to give your pet, make sure you first purchase a good-quality organically produced version and not some check knock-out. Most packages should specify how much to give your pet, in milligrams if it is an oil or liquid form.
An example would be if your dog needs 0,5mg and the instruction says 0,25mg of CBD per drop, accordingly, you will need to give your dog two drops. When it comes to treats or biscuits, the same would apply – read the package instructions and follow suit. It should state how much CBD Oil one dog biscuit or treat will have and how many are an acceptable amount per day. Please do not over-do it because your dog is being exceptionally good one day as opposed to the other days. Find out more about giving too much here.
Some people do not abide by the instructions on the packaging or their veterinarian doctors and can end up ruining the health of their pets very easily due to ignorance. Never assume you know everything about every new product you bring in the house. After, all your pet is your family, and if you won’t give your children food that you know nothing about, why would you do the same to your pet?
The factors It Is Dependent On
If you’re wondering what these dosages are dependent on. The main thing would be the weight and size of your dog, and in some cases the condition of the dog too. The general rule of thumb is to give your dog between 1-5mgs for every 10 pounds. Not more. And always start on the minimal side, very low dose for a few weeks then up it by a fraction.
To make sure you are not giving your pooch too much, below is some indication on how much to give it based on its weight and average size:
Weight Dosage
10 pounds: 1 mg – 5 mg
20 pounds: 2 mg – 10 mg
30 pounds: 3 mg – 15 mg
40 pounds: 4 mg – 20 mg
50 pounds: 5 mg – 25 mg
60 pounds: 6 mg – 30 mg
70 pounds: 7 mg – 35 mg
Do you see a pattern here? Point to note is that because CBD is such a naturally occurring component, unlike your conventional medication, it will take about 30 minutes to start affecting the pet. So be patient but also keep an eye out on him or her to see if any changes are beginning to take place. Start with once a day and then build up but only after at least 28 days.
When we, as humans introduce a new substance to our systems, we are advised by our health practitioners to wait at least 28 days to see or feel the difference; we would think it is the same with our pets too, seeing as we have the same ECS (Endocannabinoid) system. Learn more about this here https://medium.com/randy-s-club/7-things-you-probably-didnt-know-about-the-endocannabinoid-system-35e264c802bc
It is possible that giving it this oil may make your canine sleepy or relaxed, which is normal. However, if they vomit or experience symptoms of fatigue or diarrhea or seem to be acting differently or standoff-ish. Contact the emergency vet immediately and get him checked out. Not everyone’s experience with using these products will be the same, and make sure you don’t leave your pet alone outside either, especially for the first few days. Until you are sure the introduction is doing more, good than harm to it, do not let your eyes off of him.