It can be hard watching your loved ones getting older and possibly deteriorating, but the good news is that just because they are getting older, it does not mean that they are losing their love and interest in life and this is very important for you to remember. Aging happens, but how it is handled makes all the difference. Your loved one or family member may be struggling in their own home with things such as cooking, meal preparation and personal hygiene. They may not be ready to admit they need help or they may not ask for help, but if they are struggling then you need to try to provide assistance when and where you can to avoid them from getting worse. Sometimes, this may be a struggle and it may not be possible due to commitments that you have or due to the fact they do not want your help. Quite often resistance is shown and felt and this is because family members want to remain independent for as long as possible. Retaining independence is where assisted living comes in. Assisted living offers your family member the chance to live in a village with other people, getting help or assistance as they require but maintaining their independence by living in their own self-contained unit.
What Can Assisted Living Provide
First and foremost it can provide and maintain a level of independence. Retaining independence is important, and essential for a lot of people as their independence is part of their sense of identity. A good village or complex can also provide support with personal tasks as and when required. It can be challenging for family members to accept that they need assistance or help and within assisted living the transition can be easier on them and less traumatic, simply because they still keep their independence by living in their own self-contained unit, they just have the added advantage of having care and support on hand for when they need it.
How To Choose and Find The Right Assisted Living Village
Finding the right village or community does not have to be as challenging as you think. There are lots of providers out there, but not all of them offer excellent services and facilities – which is good for you as it saves you time and hassle at looking at places that are not up to your standards or requirements. One village that provides everything that one could need or want is Oak Park senior living whose restaurant style dining and housekeeping service will leave you wanting to move in yourself. To ensure that you find the right village for your family member you have to look at what is on offer both now and in the future. For example, if your family member is active and enjoys day trips does the village or community you are looking at provide this? Are activities regular scheduled on a daily and weekly basis?
As well as looking at what is on offer and what is provided, you also have to be looking at care and assistance for both now and for the future. Future provisions for additional care need to be considered as part of the decision making process. For example, if your family members’ health and state of welfare deteriorates, then does the location or village offer further enhanced care that would save you and them the hassle of moving to another provider. Quality of care is important as is consistency of care. To make sure you get your selection right you need to ensure levels of care are consistently high and tailored to the individual, to find this out you can read independent reviews and you can seek assurances from the village or community you are interested in. To make the process as tailored as possible for a family member you have to try and see things through their eyes and from their point of view. If you keep them in your thoughts and considerations at all times, then you will ensure that you get the best possible place for them.
What You Need To Do Next
After establishing the right provider or village for your family member you then need to get them signed up for their services, and you need to start focusing on finances as soon as possible. Establishing how and when new care needs paying for will allow you to establish what financial sacrifices and compromises may need to be made both now and further down the line. You may find it wise to speak to a financial adviser who is versed in funding care as they may be able to help you sell off assets or similar in a more tax efficient or economical manner. You may also need to get into contact with a lawyer who may be able to help you gain control and seize assets that belong to your family member. The family member may not be fully co-operative about selling off their assets or cashing in their pension pots for care, so it is definitely wise to seek the help of trained and professional advisors whenever you can.
The whole process of finding care is exhausting, so do not underestimate how long it will take or how emotional it will be. Getting the right accommodation and getting a family member settle and financially sorted can be draining for you, them and everyone else involved. It is not just emotionally draining, it is also physically demanding and draining. It is important that you have a support network that you can rely on to help you through the difficult periods of time that lie ahead. Your family member may not initially be appreciative or grateful of the decisions and choices you have made, but once your family member is settled in their new accommodation and they have embraced their new surroundings, then you should see things start to settle down a little bit which will definitely be a welcome relief for you and everyone involved.