Healthy Habits Parents Must Teach Their Kids

Parents pass more than their genes to their kids. As early as two years old, kids mimic what their parents are doing. The way you sit, eat, and even laugh will most likely be how they sit, eat, and laugh. It would be good if they get to pick up all the good habits, but they will surely pick up on the bad habits as well. And as parents, you are going to blame each other if they get too much to handle.

So to help you, here are some healthy habits that are good to pass on to your kids.

Colourful eating

By colourful eating, we mean vegetables and fruits of course. If we show them at an early age that vegetables are not disgusting, they would have an affinity for it when they grow older. You can even go as far as explaining the health benefits of the food on your plates. Once they get used to having vegetables and fruits constantly, then it is not going to be a problem feeding them healthy food in the future.

Have a workout routine

It does not have to be a gym-intense workout. As simple as walking, biking, or jogging around the neighbourhood will do. You can even make a day of it by going on a picnic-workout weekend. Plan games that double as a workout which should include running, a bit of stretching, and maybe a little intense cardio.

In addition, you should let them pick a sport and get involved in it. Start simple like basketball, baseball, and even badminton so you can play it in your backyard. If your child does not show any interest in any of these, just help them find which physical activity they like. They might want gymnastics, martial arts, swimming, or even archery.

Do chores with them everyday

It is not enough to demand that they do chores, they must see you doing it with them. To make it more effective, you can have a list of chores that needs to be accomplished daily and weekly. Put up all of your names beside a chore they will be responsible for during the day, and then just rotate the names so that they are doing different things every day and every week.

Just like the physical activities, this is meant to discourage them to be couch potatoes.

Spend time with them

When school starts, you are not going to get as much time with them as you can. As an example, students in a Singaporean international school spend more time with their noses in their books because of the requirements for secondary education certification exams, national standardised exams, and International Baccalaureate exams. Taking a break is near impossible, and spending time with family is, too.

So it is important that you teach them that time together is important. You can bond over food, films, activities, books, or any interests each one shares. Once the schedule becomes chaotic, you can do family bonding on a Sunday to allow them to make plans on a Saturday.

You can also turn your bonding time by guiding them while they are finishing their schoolwork every day. You will be at least be on top of their progress in school.

The aim of these habits is to keep them healthy, body and mind. At the same time, it teaches them to be independent, hardworking, and studious.