In recent years, the internet has proved to be a very useful tool when it comes to exchanging information, consulting texts, buying products and even keeping in touch with distant friends. However, it cannot always be considered completely safe. Problems ranging from viruses to malicious people can be found on the internet.
Check out 5 great dangers that the internet can bring to its users and how to prevent them:
1. Viruses
There are several types of viruses and they are all harmful to the computer. It is possible to find them in different environments and, normally, the virus infects the system, makes copies of itself and then tries to spread to other computers. To prevent this danger, just keep your antivirus updated and always be aware if your PC has slow problems or other weird symptoms.
2. Spams
Spam is an electronic message not authorized by Internet users, but sent in the same way. They are intended to fill your recipients’ mailbox and sometimes contain viruses that harm the internet user’s computer. To get rid of this problem just mark the email as spam and, the next time you receive a message from this sender, it will automatically be considered spam.
3. Fake pages
Fake pages are a made to acquire personal information from Internet users who access it. They are also called phishing and always try to trick your visitors into placing the data. The favorites to become fake are the bank pages. To protect yourself, every time you access your personal data try to use the InPrivate navigation that browsers offer.
4. Malicious emails
There are several types of e-mail that are intended to steal Internet users’ personal information. Sometimes they use large companies, such as banks, in order to persuade the recipient to enter the link and provide their data. Bizarre promotions also pop up in email boxes. Whenever you get something suspicious, investigate. If in doubt, do not access or click on any link.
5. Malicious people
The internet has the advantage – or disadvantage – of being able to preserve the identity of its users. Many people acquire other personalities in order to persuade Internet users. The intentions are the most varied, from crackers trying to steal personal information to pedophiles trying to set up dates. To avoid this danger, just do not communicate with strangers. Both on social networks and by e-mail, just talk to whoever has contact.
Of the various hazards above, hazard number 5 is the most damaging. Online predators can ruin a person’s future, especially children. This is what we will emphasize in this article. Even popular sites like YouTube are not completely safe. In many cases, understanding how to put parental controls on YouTube is very important and should not be ignored. Keep reading!
One of the major concerns of parents today is what their children do online. Because they do not have full access to the pages on which children and adolescents browse, the family may feel unprotected and vulnerable. Both in social networks and in applications, young people may be exposed to inappropriate content, with obscenity and violence. Furthermore, the network is also full of advertising that is not always understood by the child.
Even though they seem harmless, excessive advertising can generate anxiety and depression in the youngest. The child does not have the maturity to understand that he does not need or may have a certain product or extension of the game, which causes him to exhibit negative behavior. According to a University of Michigan survey, more than 90% of apps for children have ads. In these cases, games are stopped to display advertisements, without the user having a choice.
Although it is advisable to limit the use of computers and mobile devices, it is practically impossible to completely ban the use. With that in mind, tools have been developed so that parents can better control their children’s online lives, without having to deprive them of access to technology. Check out the main apps that help the family in this mission!
Through FamiSafe, parents can temporarily or permanently block certain applications. Thus, in addition to preventing the child from accessing some content, the family can also limit browsing time, so as not to harm studies or sleep. To use this app, parents must configure the tool on their child’s phone or tablet and on the device itself. Once installed, the application allows the family to block new accesses in the future. If the child tries to enter the programs not allowed, the parents will receive a notification. Based on many reviews, this app is considered the best one. The app also provides YouTube Parental Controls.
Qustodio works in a similar way to FamiSafe. In it, parents can block inappropriate content for young people and limit the use of the device. This program also guarantees the viewing of calls and text messages. So, if they find something inappropriate, parents can block contacts and act so that their children are safe in the online environment.
Kaspersky Safe Kids
In addition to the functions already mentioned, to block websites and applications, Kaspersky Safe Kids informs the family about publications on social networks. So if the child posts something strange or inappropriate, the family can immediately take action.
As children are increasingly connected, parents cannot help but make contact with their children on the internet as well. Although it is necessary, only 50% of families follow what young people do on the internet, according to a survey by a British organization. It is worth noting that the behavior of children and adolescents is as influenced by the school as by the online universe today. Hopefully with this article you can realize the dangers posed by the Internet and how to minimize it. Thank you for reading and have a nice day!