Aching feet can always appear. We all experience them at one point in our life. Sometimes, our feet ache following a very long day at work. In other cases, some blisters appear simply because we ran too much. But, do you know when it is time to visit foot doctors in Dallas TX?
Our feet are very important. They can be affected by pain and so many other problems. All of these might affect mobility and reduce life quality in a very significant way. Even if all this is true, few people actually offer feet the true care that is deserved.
Unfortunately, people often ignore feet. They simply do not look at them so it is very difficult to notice that some issues are developing. With this in mind, here are some vital things you absolutely need to be aware of.
Time Is Very Important
With most foot problems and injuries, if you wait for way too long, the problem can be exacerbated. There are numerous patients that visit foot doctors and disclose the fact that they have been having problems for a long time, sometimes even months. However, since they thought the problem would improve without intervention, nothing was done. The big problem with this approach is that it practically means a simple problem that could have been so easily fixed ended up becoming huge.
Do you have some sort of niggling pain? Just go and get it checked since it might be a sign of something really serious. Injuries, pain, and practically all feet changes might be serious problems, sometimes in other parts of the body.
Common Foot Problems
Foot pain can be caused due to several conditions. A very common pain you might feel is located in your heel. So, you should be aware of plantar fasciitis. This is a strain under your foot. Several others can be highlighted. But, when is it time to act?
If you just feel some pain in your feet because you had a very hard day at work, it is most likely not necessary to visit the foot doctor. However, you will need to make an appointment as soon as possible and visit the podiatrist when:
- Hot or sharp pain is felt in the heel after standing up, even if you did rest.
- Pain or difficulty appears when you try to put the foot down.
- Pain that keeps bothering you for over 7 days.
- Skin discoloration noticed on at least one of your feet.
- Skin changes on your feet, like being colder or drier than normal.
- Size changes or swollen feet.
- Structure changes, like having a higher foot arch than normal.
The symptoms mentioned above might seem urgent but maybe they are not. However, when you have an intermittent problem, you need to get it solved as soon as you can.
Nowadays, more and more people self-diagnose. This is very easy to do when accessing the internet. The big problem is there are several foot conditions that have some similar symptoms. As a result, professionals need to check you out and see exactly what the condition is.
Can you know exactly what you are suffering from? This is practically impossible to do since you are not a doctor. Never self-diagnose. It is not a problem if you use the internet to find out more about the condition you are actually suffering from though. However, you should only trust those articles written by people that actually know what they are talking about. This practically includes only doctors. Never trust forum posts or what your friends tell you about your medical conditions since this can easily lead to huge problems in the future.