Search engine optimization is a tricky field. Changes happen all the time, and strategies that worked before might not be applicable anymore. The rapid changes make it harder for small business owners and startups to compete. They want to be on top of social media pages, but it isn’t easy to get there. Hence, it makes sense to combine SEO efforts with a PPC ad campaign. The expertise of an Indianapolis PPC agency will make it even easier to appeal to target audiences.
Before going into how both PPC and SEO campaigns work together, it’s important to identify the differences. SEO refers to the organic optimization of keywords. Safari SEO services inform us that SEO involves a number of strategies that when used together will help move your website to the top of SERPs. Content and backlinking are among some of these strategies. The goal is to optimize commonly searched keywords that are relevant to what the business offers. PPC ads are the same. The difference is that instead of organically moving to the top, the company pays the search engine. When the user searches for a keyword, the ads will appear on top. While it indicates that the link is a paid ad, it still holds value. The good thing about the campaign is that there’s no need to pay unless someone clicked on the ad. Using both strategies will help make online presence felt.
Some people don’t click ads
Imagine if two links appear on the first page of Google. One is an ad that the company paid for, and the other is the link that organically made its way to the top. When people dislike ads, they will ignore the link to the ad. However, the other link still gets considered. There’s an increased chance of enticing people to open the link if it appears more than once on search engines.
It’s not easy to reach the top
While it’s good to keep optimizing a keyword, the problem is that the competition is tough. Popular keywords are usually optimized since they increase the chance of a higher conversion rate. If big companies with plenty of employees who can optimize the keyword will work to get to the top, the competition is close to impossible to win. Hence, in this instance, it’s good to have the PPC as a backup. When it takes a lot longer to reach the first page of Google, the paid ads will do the job. Again, only ads that get clicked require payments. There’s nothing wrong with paying for these ads if they could lead to more online visibility.
There’s nothing to lose
Applying both strategies could increase the chances of popularity. Besides, there’s nothing to lose in using both. It’s even better to have options in case one strategy fails. Just because the paid campaigns work doesn’t mean the SEO strategies get abandoned. Conversely, if the paid ads don’t lead to the expected results, it doesn’t mean that they’re not effective anymore. It takes a while for either strategy to bear fruits, and using them both would make it even faster to see results.
Attracting people is the first step
There are different ways to attract potential customers and entice them to open the website. However, the job isn’t over once they decided to open the page. They should stay, explore the website and decide to buy. The conversion rate is more important since it means profit for the business. The website needs to have interesting content. It should be well-organized.
The ads should also get the link to the right landing page. For instance, if the user searches for specific services, the landing page should give them what they’re looking for. It’s not ideal for linking services with the primary homepage since there’s nothing there for them to see. They don’t want to go through the entire website to keep searching for what they want. They searched for information via Google since they wanted to hasten the process as much as possible.
The best SEO and PPC agency help
It’s quite tricky to go through the entire process alone. Some of these details can be difficult to figure out. The good thing is that experts like the Indianapolis PPC agency knows what to do. They have several years of experience in working with other businesses. They know the right strategies to combine both SEO and PPC campaigns. Their help can go a long way. Be patient, and the results will soon be favorable.