9 Ingrown toenails remedies

An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge or the corner of the nails curves and grows into the nearby skin. It may cause redness, swelling, and pain. The condition can affect both men and women and affects mostly your bug tie.

Common causes of ingrown toenails include; wearing too-tight shoes, cutting nails too short, cutting toenails at an angle, and hitting your toe. It is essential to treat ingrown toenails as they happen to prevent infections. You can treat mild ingrown toenails with minor treatment and home remedies, while extreme cases might require surgery.

Here are remedies for ingrown toenails:

  • Soak the toenails in warm water.

Soaking the affected area in warm water will prevent inflammation and reduce pain. You need to wash your feet in warm, foamy water at least three times a day and let them rest in the water for 3o minutes. You can use castile soap in warm water and add Epsom salt to the water to bring more relief.

  • Soak in apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is a good home remedy for almost any problem; you can use it to treat ingrown toenails. It has abilities to relieve pain and inflammation. Take a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar and add it to the basin of water. Soak your affected feet in the mixture for about 20 minutes. Ensure you dry your feet well after soaking.

  • Place cotton or dental floss on the affected area.

Some health clinics recommend tucking small pieces of cotton or dental floss around the ingrown toenail to help the nail grow properly. Ensure you soak the cotton and the floss in alcohol before placing them on the affected toenail.

  • Apply antibiotic ointment.

Using the over counter antibiotics can help to reduce ingrown toenail pain and prevent infection risk. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when applying the ointment cream on the ingrown toenail; some indicate two times in a day. You can use ointments like Polysporin, Bactroban, and Neosporin. It would be best to bandage the toe after applying the antibiotic cream.

  • Avoid wearing tight shoes and socks.

Wearing Socks and shoes that are too tight can harm your ties, and they are one of the things that cause ingrown toenails. Wear shoes and socks that are comfortable and leave a space around the toes to prevent ingrown toenails from becoming worse. Avoid closed shoes or wear sandals during the ingrown toenails healing process to lessen pressure on your nails.

  • Use toe brace.

Toe braces are made of adhesive, thin composite material and are attached on top of your affected toe. They help protect you from painful ingrown toenails, and they lift the nail edges as it grows. You can order toe braces online or buy from your local chemists.

  • Use a toe protector.

A toe protector acts as a mitigating block for your ingrown toenails. Toe protectors are designed as rings that you can put around the affected region or cover the whole toe. Most toe protector brands have medicated gel for softening the toenails for easy trimming. Use the treatments following your doctor’s advice until the ingrown toenail heals.

  • Consult your doctor on oral antibiotics.

If you have an infected ingrown toenail, consult your doctor to prescribe oral antibiotics to you. You can know your nail is infected if you notice increased redness, too much pain, increased swelling, odor, and pus. Antibiotics for ingrown toenail treatment include amoxicillin, ampicillin, and vancomycin.

  • Consider ingrown toenail removal.

If an ingrown toenail does not heal after home remedies, you should consider partial or full nail removal. The clinician will use anesthetics to remove the underlying nail bed, part of the nail’s border, or part of the idle plate.

If you have a severe recurring ingrown toenail, the doctor will remove the entire toenail as the last option. Removing the nail can be very painful and can cause more infection risk. After your toenail removal, there is a chance of deformation of the toenail as it grows back.

Bottom line.

Ingrown toenails can cause severe complications. If you have an ingrown toenail problem, you should consult a doctor before the condition can become extreme. Your ingrown toenails can improve after few days after applying home remedies such as soaking your feet in warm soapy water, using a toe protector, and using antibiotic creams. If you do not treat your ingrown toenail immediately, it may cause severe pain, infections that can spread to the bones. Ingrown toenails can persist if you fail to take the necessary steps to prevent them.

5 Tips for Coping with Aging

From toddler years to adulthood, humans go through many changes throughout life. Your older years are especially significant, as your body goes through changes that affect your health, leaving you feeling like you are a young person in an elderly person’s body. While this is sometimes difficult to deal with, there are ways to make the experience better for everyone.

If you are reaching your senior years and need a little help dealing with the physical and mental changes, use these five tips for coping with aging.

1. Keep Up with Family and Friends

Isolating yourself is never the answer. Even if you feel like your body is no longer performing as it once did, that doesn’t mean you can’t keep up with your friends and family. If you’re having a rough day, you don’t have to force yourself into a strenuous activity – invite someone over, give your friend a call, or simply message your family to check in with them.

Throughout your later years, your loved ones will prove to be your backbone, so keep them as close as possible. If you feel the weight of aging pulling down on you, then reach out to the ones you’re close to. Sometimes, it takes a familiar outside perspective to really know how you are doing.

2. Know When to Seek Medical Treatment

The odd ache or pain in the body is normal, especially as you age, but there are times when you’d be better off seeing a medical professional. If you notice some warning signs, such as forgetfulness, weight loss, or difficulty performing your usual activities, then schedule an appointment with your doctor. Remember, there’s a higher risk of many diseases as you age, and it’s better to catch them early.

If you do find that you are struggling medically, there are plenty of great care options out there. It can be a difficult step, but care homes such as signature-care-homes.co.uk provide luxury care so that you can stay safe while enjoying your later years.

3. Put Your Spare Time into a Hobby

Many people find retiring one of the more difficult parts of aging. After spending so long putting hours into a job, it’s understandable that you’d find yourself twiddling your thumbs. To keep your mind both occupied and healthy, put your spare time into a hobby you truly enjoy. It’s a great way to boost your mental health while giving you the mental stimulation to keep your brain in top health.

4. Look After Your Body

You might have spent your years taking great care of your physical shape, or you may have found a taste for chocolate, cake, and takeaways. Whichever side you fell on, now is the time to really think about your body’s health. By eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, you’ll keep your heart, bones, and mind in peak health, which will help you live longer and happier.

5. Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Positivity comes naturally to some, but when you are feeling the heavyweight of aging, it can be hard to look on the bright side of life. The best thing you can do for your mental wellbeing as you age is learning how to think positively. It’s not always easy, but there are many ways to boost your positive mindset, such as meditation, gratitude, and focusing on the good.

Anyone who has lived a long life has something to be thankful for, so remember the good times, keep those you love close, and make your later years as comfortable and positive as possible.


How seniors can maintain optimum physical health

It has often been said that your body is a machine. As such, like any other machine, you can sustain a degree of wear and tear as you grow older and become increasingly at risk of developing various age-related conditions such as cataracts and heart disease. With this in mind, what can be done to ensure that you enjoy a greater range of good health well into old age? Here are four tips for optimum physical health for seniors.

  • Eat a healthy diet

You are probably well aware of the importance of eating a healthy diet to ensure that you obtain the right nutrients for your body to remain physically fit. However, there are certain adjustments that you can make to your diet to support your body as you age. For instance, a diet that is high in saturated fat can increase the risk of developing heart disease, which can be a debilitating condition as you grow older, so seek to cut down your consumption of saturated fat. To support brain health and supple joints, increase your intake of oily fish such as mackerel and salmon. This could help reduce your risk of developing cognitive conditions like dementia and help in retaining flexibility.

  • Keep physically active

It is important that you remain physically active even as you become older to ensure that your body is strong and retains a good level of fitness. Although you may no longer be able to carry out intense workouts without doing some physical damage to yourself, you can still maintain a high level of fitness with gentler exercises. You could, for instance, take an exercise class for seniors specifically designed to support and improve age-related conditions, such as maintaining flexibility and increasing balance. Alternatively, swimming provides a great form of exercise for older people, as it is gentle on the joints while providing a whole body workout.

  • Move to a retirement village

There may come a point when you require a bit of extra help with carrying out your daily tasks; for example, you might physically struggle to complete chores such as vacuuming or need to start searching for the best hearing aids as you struggle hearing like you once did. If this is the case, why not consider moving to a retirement village? Here, you will get daily assistance from experienced carers while maintaining your independence. As an additional benefit, you will be part of a community with whom you can socialize at the village’s communal facilities and events. Look for retirement living St. Louis homes for more information about a retirement village in your local area. In communities like this, it is easier to maintain physical health, and you might even find yourself motivated to join others in their daily exercises, safe in the knowledge that there are carers nearby.

  • Keep up-to-date with hospital appointments

As the body ages, it is inevitable that you will require more hospital appointments to ensure that any age-related conditions are kept in check. It is important that you keep up-to-date with these appointments to ensure that you can manage your health – you stand a better chance of making a full recovery if an illness is spotted early on.


How to Manage Chronic Pain from Home

The severity of chronic pain varies from person to person, but the difficulty of living with it affects all who do. If you or a loved one suffers from chronic pain, then you will understand just how important it is to find some relief, even if it is only for a short while. Fortunately, there are plenty of different methods to try – here are some of the best.

Take Your Prescription

This one is obvious, but if your doctor has prescribed you some medication, then you must take it on time whenever needed. If you struggle to keep up with meds, you should set a reminder on your phone so that you never miss one.


CBD comes from the cannabis plant but has virtually no THC in it, meaning you don’t get the high effect associated with cannabis. Instead, CBD helps users deal with anxiety, stress, and pain. If your chronic pain is particularly painful, taking CBD Products could help minimize symptoms, alleviating both your stress and physical pain.

Try Meditation

While meditation may seem like the last activity, you want to do while in a lot of pain, it can be very beneficial. While you’re focusing your mind and clearing your thoughts, your pain will lessen, allowing you to be at one with yourself for the duration of the meditation session.

If you’ve never meditated before, try looking for a guided video to get you started.

Make Your Home Comfortable

Having a comfortable, relaxing home can make a world of difference when you’re dealing with pain. Think about it – would you rather deal with your chronic pain while in a crowded, untidy room or a well-kept space with plenty of cushions and blankets? Make your home as friendly as possible, and you’ll find it much easier to deal with some of the worse symptoms.

Begin Exercising Regularly

Exercising is a natural pain reliever, so try to get out and move your body as regularly as possible. Of course, this is easier for some than it is for others, so simply do what you can, even if that’s a simple twenty-minute walk every day.

Get into a Hobby

When it comes to chronic pain, distractions are key, and there’s no better distraction than being absorbed by a hobby you love. Whether you are interested in gardening, painting, or making candles, a hobby will take your mind away from the pain and toward what you are creating at that moment.

Take Care of Your Body

You don’t want to worsen your pain by treating your body badly, so make sure you eat a healthy diet and cut back on any unhealthy habits. If you drink alcohol, for example, then try to cut back, as too much alcohol could worsen symptoms.

Chronic pain is no fun for anyone, but you don’t have to deal with the suffering. By finding ways to alleviate the pain, you will find managing day to day much easier.


3 Signs That Your Aging Parent is in Need of More Care

It is never easy to watch a parent or other loved one reach the point in life when they are no longer able to live completely independently. This can be particularly difficult if you are starting to recognize the signs that a change might be necessary, but they are not.

Perhaps there was a particular incident that troubled you regarding their independence that they have simply brushed aside as a one-off occurrence. Maybe their health has taken a bit of a turn, and you aren’t confident that they will be able to manage medications and routine healthcare on their own.

Whatever the motives may be for giving you a reason to think more about your parent’s living situation, it is important to trust your instincts. There is nothing more important than the health and safety of your parent, or other aging loved one.

If you are still unsure about whether or not a change is necessary in terms of your parent’s living situation, here are three signs to look for that will most likely indicate that it is time for you to step in and explore living options for them going forward.

1. Issues With Money

One of the biggest indicators that your parent is going to need more help going forward involves money. Whether it is because of memory lapses on their part or simply because they no longer understand how and when bills need to be taken care of, it might be time for you to step in and start to manage their money for them.

Furthermore, this could be indicative of a larger issue regarding their short-term memory. If this is the case, they might need some more involved memory care from a quality assisted living facility such as McKnight Place.

2. Poor Self-Care

Another sign that your parent or loved one is going to need more help going forward involves their self-care. You might have noticed that the clothes they are wearing aren’t always clean or that they have stopped washing on a regular basis. This might mean that they either forget to address such things or that they simply cannot take care of themselves on their own.

Issues with self-care can also extend to their home. If their house has become dirtier and more cluttered than usual, then they might no longer be able to keep a clean home on their own.

3. They Aren’t Acting Like Themselves

Other signs that your parent needs more help than they once did involve changes to their mood and personality. If they quickly become anxious, angry, or sad for no major reason, they are likely under a great deal of stress trying to continue living alone. Another indicator is that they become easily confused by even the simplest of tasks, even ones they once performed every day.

If any or all of these signs apply to your parent or loved one, it is most likely time for you to start offering more assistance or to consider transitioning them into an assisted living facility.


17 Ways to Start Eating Healthy and Stick With it

A new year has just begun, which for many people means setting new fitness goals and making an effort to improve overall health. If you’re looking to make healthy lifestyle changes in 2021 and want to get started by eating well, you’re in the right place. Read on for some invaluable healthy eating tips that will help you get started and stick to a balanced diet.

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  • Start for the right reasons – and with realistic expectations

Eating a balanced diet has many health benefits including the potential for weight loss, but it’s important to start your journey to eating well for the right reasons. Eating right is about so much more than shedding pounds, and if you go into your journey focusing only on your weight, you may put too much pressure on yourself to make quick changes to your body. Setting realistic, achievable goals that don’t centre around losing a lot of weight in a short space of time will prevent you from getting discouraged, and will also help you to make meaningful, maintainable lifestyle changes that will keep you healthy long-term.

  • Remember your motivators

The journey to eating well can be difficult and sometimes it does get tempting to fall back into old habits. Staying motivated is the key to success, so it’s vital that you remember what made you change your diet in the first place. It would be beneficial to make a list of reasons why you want to get healthier, whether it’s to manage a health condition, get in shape or improve your overall mood. Refer back to this list whenever you’re struggling to stay motivated and it’ll help you stay on track.

  • Keep junk foods out of the house

Sometimes you just get cravings for junk food, but these will be less prevalent and much easier to fight if you’re not surrounded by unhealthy options at home. Avoid buying fatty or sugary foods at the supermarket to prevent temptation, and if your family will still be eating these types of foods, encourage them to keep these hidden. Seeing your favourite unhealthy snacks sitting on the counter only makes it more difficult for you to resist.

  • Buy high quality ingredients in advance

To replace the junk foods in your home, try to keep the kitchen stocked with fresh, high quality ingredients that make you feel excited to eat well. A meat box delivery service is a great option to get you started, as this gives you access to the best cuts of meat at a competitive price. Eating high quality meat is a good source of protein, which is essential to fuel your body, maintain bone and muscle health and even reduce appetite. Investing in a meat box means getting lean, locally sourced produce delivered to your door, which you can prepare in a huge variety of ways to create delicious meals.

  • Plan your meals

To help you stay on track, plan your meals in advance and make sure your cupboards are full of the nutritious ingredients needed to create a good range of healthy options. Whether you get ahead by batch cooking on the weekends or prepare each meal on an evening, knowing what you’re planning to cook in advance will speed things up and help you keep track of what you’re putting into your body. Remember to account for leftovers in your meal planning, too – cooking more than you need on an evening makes it easy to eat healthily at lunchtime the next day, even if you’re really busy.

  • Maintain balance

The key to an attainable healthy diet is balance, which means it’s okay to indulge in a treat every now and then. If you’re too strict on yourself from the beginning, you may lose interest in your new diet and turn to your favourite snacks for comfort. Allowing yourself a few off-plan foods is fine and will make it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle, as you’re less likely to feel overly restricted and lose motivation as a result. Treat foods are okay in moderation and won’t undo all your hard work, as long as you balance them with a good range of healthy and nutritious options.

  • Have a partner join you

If someone close to you is also trying to improve their health, have them join you in your healthy eating and exercise plan. This way, you can hold each other accountable, celebrate your wins together and motivate one another to keep going. Having your partner or spouse join you may be particularly beneficial, as couples are inclined to follow one another’s lead and the two of you can share the responsibility of food shopping and preparing healthy meals.

  • Measure your progress

When it comes to both healthy eating and exercising, tracking your progress can be extremely beneficial. Try inputting the foods you eat into an app or diary to keep track of what you’re eating and measure your exercise with a phone or smartwatch, as this will allow you to easily look back on your progress. When you need an extra push to keep at it, there’s no better motivator than seeing how far you’ve already come.

  • Have a high-protein breakfast

When trying to lose weight, many people make the mistake of skipping breakfast altogether, but a well-balanced breakfast that is high in protein can actually prevent you from overeating later in the day. A protein-rich breakfast helps you stay full and keeps your blood sugar levels in a healthy range, making you feel more satisfied and less likely to snack.

  • Pack healthy snacks when on the go

When you’re in the middle of a hectic day, it can be hard to stick to a healthy diet, especially if you’re away from home and don’t have easy access to healthy foods. To prevent you from grabbing whatever processed food is available at the time, plan ahead and carry healthy snacks with you to tide you over. Nutritious, high-protein snacks such as mixed nuts, seeds, natural yoghurt or protein bites will satisfy your appetite until you’re able to sit down for a proper meal.

  • Up your exercise

While you don’t want to make your new routine overwhelming or too difficult to maintain, increasing the level of exercise you do at the same time as making changes to your diet will give you the best results. These two healthy lifestyle changes reinforce one another, and you may find it easier to make both changes simultaneously than starting with one and adding the other to your routine further down the line.

  • Have a plan before eating out

Don’t let a meal with friends or family stress you out – after all, a get-together with loved ones is supposed to be fun! If you’re worried about eating healthily when dining at a restaurant, try to prepare by looking at the menu ahead of time, or by picking out the restaurant yourself so you know there’s something you’d be happy to eat. You can also limit the impact of a meal out by drinking water instead of alcohol.

  • Prepare before travelling

If you’ll be travelling away from home, you may feel anxious about what you’ll eat while in unfamiliar territory. Don’t be afraid to go slightly off plan during your trip, but if you’re determined to stay on track as much as possible, there are some ways to make this easier. If possible, pack some healthy non-perishable foods such as dried fruit, nut butters, wholegrain crackers and trail mix, as these will be a healthy snack or light meal option if you find yourself stuck.

You can also prepare by researching the restaurants and supermarkets in the area ahead of time, giving you a better idea of the kinds of foods they’ll have available and what you can expect.

  • Be patient

When eating well and exercising, you must be patient with yourself. Expecting to see significant changes right away, whether that’s in how you look or how you feel, can demotivate you quickly and massively restrict your long-term progress. If you don’t see immediate changes, don’t lose hope – have faith in the process. Stay motivated by tracking your diet and exercise, as this will reassure you that you’re on track and that the changes you’re working towards will come with time.

  • Be forgiving

If you veer off track and cave to a takeaway or a sugary snack, don’t beat yourself up about it. As mentioned earlier, it’s all about balance, and one unhealthy choice doesn’t mean your journey to better health is over. It’s common for people who are trying to stick to a new diet to give in to temptation every now and then, but the important thing is to not treat this as a failure and proceed to overindulge in unhealthy foods for the rest of the day or week. Rather than considering your progress ruined or undone, take a breather, remember your reasons for improving your diet and put the past behind you. This mentality will help you get back on track more quickly and have you feeling positive in no time.

  • Avoid fad diets

A new fad diet seems to pop up every week and although their promises of instant results may seem amazing, the reality is that this type of eating and weight loss tends to be unsustainable and unhealthy in the long run. Fad diets are promoted as being a way to lose weight quickly, but they are typically very restrictive and make it incredibly difficult to maintain your new weight long term. This leads to a dangerous cycle of yo-yo dieting, where people lose weight only to gain it back shortly afterwards.

Finding a sustainable diet plan that works for you and gives your body the nutrients it needs is a much healthier choice to make, so avoid those fad diets and understand that to achieve lasting results, you need to have patience and take it slow.

  • Figure out what works best for you

There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to healthy eating and exercise, and what works for a friend or family member may not be the best way forward for you. When beginning your journey to better eating and good health, don’t be afraid to try a few different things, especially if you’re not enjoying or getting a lot out of your current method. The key to maintaining a healthy diet is to find a way of eating that you enjoy, that isn’t overly restrictive and that you find sustainable. Then, when it comes to sticking to it, you’ll realise that it isn’t even a chore.

This guide to eating healthy and sticking with it was brought to you by experts at The Dorset Meat Company, who offer nationwide butcher meat box delivery. With a fantastic range of grass-fed, ethically reared meat available for you to choose from on their website, you’re sure to find delicious healthy meal staples to help you on your journey to eating well.

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What is Reproductive Health?

Reproductive health is an encompassing term that looks at all areas of health when it comes to conceiving a child. Understanding what it means to truly be reproductively healthy can help you plan and make the right choices for you.



What is Reproductive Health?

The WHO defines reproductive health as not just the physical health of the parents but also the mental health and well-being of the couple in question. Rather than just a strict view that only includes the possibility for a woman to get pregnant, the WHO defines reproductive health as the ability to have safe and satisfying sex and the freedom to decide to get pregnant when, and how often they wish to.

With this encompassing view on reproductive health, it can feel more daunting, but the fact is only when your physical, mental, and emotional health are in line with one another can a baby be born that can be completely supported and cared for. Women’s health clinics and gynecologists like gcaus.com.au offer services to support this definition of reproductive health and can help everyone either get pregnant and have a baby or stop themselves from having one entirely. The ability to choose and control reproductive health is a right that all humans should have.

What Factors Affect Your Reproductive Health?


Many people focus solely on the physical factors that may affect your reproductive health, and they are certainly the biggest obstacles to the act of conceiving itself. From genetics, age, to even the vices you partake in (smoking or drinking, for example) can all cause issues with conceiving and with fetus health. If you find yourself pregnant, getting help from a clinic can help improve the fetus’ health and life expectancy should you want to keep it, or else terminate it in its early stages. It is important to remember that such abortion clinics also offer many health services you will need should you decide to carry your baby to term, regardless of whether you keep it or put your baby up for adoption.


There are many mental health factors that will impact reproductive health. Mental illness is one of the most prominent. Pregnancy can make many mental illnesses worse, and not only that but the medication necessary for those with these mental health conditions can interfere with a pregnancy and cause severe complications. Working with a doctor and clinic can help those with mental health concerns create a working plan of action that will allow for a healthy pregnancy should they want one, or alternatively can provide better solutions (like an IUD) if things like taking birth control pills are difficult.


Young parents can be emotionally compromised or not yet responsible to carry a baby to term, much less raise one. There are many different factors that will help a person decide if they are ready to be a parent, from learning and other mental conditions and age to even past trauma.

Getting Help and Guidance

Regardless of whether you are planning for a child or need help after finding yourself pregnant, it is key to get help and guidance from a health clinic. Knowing your options and having the support they provide is essential for your health and well-being.


Top Tips for Looking after your Health and Wellbeing

Whether you are busy running your home, looking after children, running errands or simply trying to do all of these things, then it is important to remember to take care of yourself both mentally and physically. Making yourself a top priority, even if only for 20 minutes a day, is necessary. You need to ensure you maintain your strength and determination to carry on, no matter what is thrown at you.

Ensuring you are mentally and physically healthy and strong will ensure that you can face anything that the day may bring. So, just how do you look after both your health and mental wellbeing?


Having some me-time to exercise, even if it is just for 15 minutes a day, is so important. Your body needs to be strong and powerful, and to achieve strength and power you need to exercise and eat healthily. You do not have to visit the gym to exercise, simply pull out the yoga mat or go for a 10 minute jog.

Eat right

Your diet needs to be packed full of goodness, which includes a good variety of fresh fruit and vegetables. Cut out the fat, reduce your sugar intake, and reduce the amount of salt you have with each meal. Balancing carbohydrates, protein and fat will ensure your body looks fantastic and that your skin looks and feels great too.

Look at alternative therapies

Consider using alternative therapies and medicines. Take a look at using CBD and how it could benefit you on a day to day basis. Visit The CBD Supplier for a range of products to suit any use and budget. Investigate alternative and holistic therapies such as reiki healing and aromatherapy. See how alternative therapies may be able to benefit you and your life. Research and find out if they will alleviate some of the stress and pressure you find yourself under.

Take Time out

Start reading that book you keep meaning to read. Do a word search or take a nice long hot bath. Take time out for yourself and do something that is all about you. Do something that will benefit your wellbeing and mental health and try getting to bed earlier. Try and turn off your phone and all sources of news so that you can disconnect and take yourself away from the madness of the world that surrounds you. Ideally, if you can, it is essential to clear your head of any thoughts or feelings that may be weighing you down. Lose all of the negative feelings and energy and only focus on the positive, good stuff.

Take a walk out in nature and absorb all of the beauty that is around you. It may sound like a cliché but you need to look around and appreciate everything that is in your life and be grateful for everything you have, including family and friends, and your inner happiness will show leaving you looking and feeling fantastic.


Are Small, Rural Hospitals Putting Patients at Risk?

A 2015 Wall Street Journal study of small, rural hospitals found that these facilities are putting patients at risk by providing surgical services that they are not competent in for financial gain. The outcomes of this medical malpractice are serious complications, hospital-based infections, and even death for some patients.

Rural Hospital Closures

Most rural hospitals are located in the South and Midwest and handle older patients. Many are on the brink of closing due to significant financial constraints. Some may merge with bigger hospitals or other neighboring rural facilities to remain in operation. Despite that, hundreds of rural hospitals have had to shut their doors since 2010.

One of the reasons these facilities are facing financial challenges is dwindling populations in rural areas, translating to fewer patients occupying hospital beds. While populations in urban centers have been growing since 2000, those in rural neighborhoods have declined.

Dwindling populations also worsen other dangers to rural facilities’ finances. For instance, the demand for outpatient services is higher than that for inpatient services. While rural hospitals do have outpatient sections, they compete for patients with nonhospital outpatient facilities and clinics.

High Risk of Death in Small, Rural Hospitals

Billing records reveal that these rural facilities are doing inpatient orthopedic surgeries more frequently. Surprisingly, the growth rate of these procedures in rural hospitals is higher than that of more general medical centers that have performed these surgeries for decades.

This means that an otherwise ordinary procedure that should involve little or no complications could potentially cause death because it was done at the ‘wrong’ medical facility. Patients undergoing one of the routine orthopedic procedures at small, rural hospitals had a 34% risk of dying within a month between 2010 and 2013. If a medical practitioner exacerbates severe car accident injuries during treatment, a victim may sue him or her for medical negligence and file a separate personal injury claim against the person responsible for the car accident with the help of an attorney.

Why Elective Orthopedic Surgeries Have Increased in Rural Hospitals

A 1997 program designed to help rural medical facilities keep running by offering them higher financial incentives for orthopedic surgeries than their larger counterparts has contributed to the rise of these kinds of surgeries in rural hospitals. Although some of the smaller medical facilities insist that they will improve with time as they perform more surgeries, the death rates have remained high.

Getting Legal Help

When a patient receives substandard medical care, he or she can file a medical negligence lawsuit against the responsible person or entity. A medical facility shouldn’t perform a specific procedure unless it has the required qualifications and equipment. For instance, if a patient had complications during delivery that resulted in a birth injury due to medical care that was below the required standards, an injury attorney can review the situation and advise her on the best legal option for the family. The attorney will also gather enough facts to develop a strong legal case, negotiate a fair settlement with an insurance company, and file a lawsuit on the patient’s behalf if necessary.


4 Signs Your Child May Have a Food Allergy


Most parents can admit that their children are picky eaters in one way or another, especially when it comes to things like vegetables or certain meats. However, pickiness is completely different from food allergies. There are some children who may be averse to foods because they make them feel ill. As a parent, it’s important to know the difference. Take a look at some of the most telltale signs that your child may have a food allergy.


Itchy Eyes and Running Nose


Parents of small children know that runny noses happen from time to time. Since kids are constantly putting things in their mouths, it’s not uncommon to have common trips to the family doctor for colds. However, in some cases, your child may have extremely itchy eyes and a runny nose due to an allergy.

If it seems like it’s an inconsistent cold that seems to flare up for no particular reason, then you might want to consider it may be a food allergy. Certain foods can give your child seasonal allergy-like symptoms that can be confused with a cold.




Some foods trigger eczema, which is a dry and scaly rash that usually appears during the first few years of a child’s life. Usually, a good portion of kids with eczema outgrow it over time. If a moisturizer doesn’t put an end to the scaly rash, then it’s a pretty good indication that it’s an allergy. However, you should always have it checked out by a professional who can give you their opinion.



Coughs aren’t uncommon for kids in general. However, if a child’s cough persists for more than a few weeks and also is accompanied by itchy eyes and a runny nose, then it’s a pretty big indication that something else is at play. Try and take note of when your child coughs. If it’s after being exposed to something that they eat, then you’re on the right track.

Eliminate all the possibilities before you can come to a final conclusion.


Stomach Aches


If your child complains of a stomach ache or even nausea after eating something, then you should start exploring whether it’s what they’re eating causing it. Usually, stomach-related food allergies will occur no more than a few hours after eating the item that there are allergic to. If it falls within that timeline and happens more than once, you can be sure that they are allergic to that food.




While there is still much research being conducted on food allergies, particularly in children, most experts agree that you’re better off being safe than sorry. Keep a close eye out for the most common signs of food allergies, and always talk to your child’s pediatrician when in doubt.