How to Water and Feed Your Antilles Pinktoe Tarantula?

Antilles pinktoe tarantula is also known as Martinique red-toed tarantula. This tarantula experiences color change throughout its life cycle. It is typically bright blue in color as a baby and changes into metallic red or green in its adulthood. The pinkish toes emerging from the furry legs give it the name of Antilles pinktoe tarantula.

It is a medium-sized spider that may grow up to 5 to 6 inches. The tarantula tends to jump as it would do in the wild. Due to this reason, many people interpret these spiders to be aggressive, but they are commonly known to be calm. They are more likely to flee rather than bite in situations perceived as dangerous.

The pinktoe spiders spend most of the day resting and could be a good choice if you are looking for a quiet pet. The diet has a significant influence on the health of the spider. In case you are worried about what to feed your new pet, you may like to go through the below recommendations.

The Type of Feeding 

Spiders enjoy feeding on live crickets. Hence, you may be required to breed some in your garden or buy from the market. It is essential to know that the crickets must be gut-fed before you allow the spider to attack. This ensures the supply of essential nutrients to the pinktoe pet. You can also give them grasshoppers, roaches, or flying insects like a moth.

You can drop the live insect into the enclosure of the spider, where the predator relishes the prey. A tarantula is more active during the evenings, and this could thus be an appropriate feeding time. The spider doesn’t enjoy feeding on dead animals.

Don’t let the corpus stay for more than 24 hours to avoid them from decaying in the enclosure. It is thus important to remove the leftovers that can otherwise stress out the pink pet. Please do not feed the spider immediately after it has molted as its exoskeleton is normally soft. Wait for sometime till the exoskeleton becomes hard. Else the prey can cause harm to the spider when it is vulnerable.

An adult Antilles pinktoe tarantula survives typically on a few crickets every 3 to 10 days. The young ones require a similar feed every 2 to 5 days, given the developmental stage. For adding variety, you can treat an adult spider by giving a small mouse or lizard. It is advisable to seek the veterinarian’s suggestion for deciding on the suitable quantum and type of feed.

Water Intake and Humidity              

A tarantula must have access to clean water. You can keep some shallow bowls of clean water in its enclosure. Do not forget to wash the bowls and refill them with fresh water every day. The water should be accessible and in easy reach of the spider.

The tarantula’s cage tank must be kept dried. You may spray some water every few days. Allow the tank to dry out between two sprays. The cage must have some plants, which can be placed in pots. Having live plants adds to the humidity. It also creates comfortable spots for breeding and laying eggs.

Keeping a Vigilant Watch

Antilles pinktoe tarantula does not normally experience health issues in an enclosure. But, you must be vigilant and look out for signs such as lethargy or loss of appetite. Molting at times is mistaken as sickness, which is a natural process. Before molting, the spider may experience a loss of appetite and energy.

Hence proper feed and water are essential to ensure the best health of your pet. You can seek the proficient consultation of a specialized veterinarian for a suitable diet chart for your pink pet.


Signs that your pet may be in pain

No-one likes to think that their favorite furry or feathered friend may be suffering, but if they are, we want to know about it. Quick and effective professional treatment is the best way to get them back to their usual happy self, but unfortunately, our pets can’t always tell us what’s wrong, or even if there’s anything wrong at all.

It’s not just the fact that animals don’t speak our language and can’t tell us in words when they’ll ill or injured that can stop us knowing. Often they make a concerted effort to hide the fact that they’re in pain, as in the wild, this would be a sign of weakness, marking them out as easy prey for predators and rival animals. They are also more inclined than humans to become resigned to their fate and, rather than expect help, they will just hide.

Cats and dogs

Cats and dogs exhibit similar behavior when in pain. They might try to tell us through yelping and whining and may become more needy and affectionate. Alternatively, they could become withdrawn and reluctant to play, interact, or take exercise. The pain may cause them to become aggressive, growling, biting, or scratching if anyone comes near.

Body language

Body language in suffering cats and dogs can include flattened ears, low posture, and narrowed or squinting eyes, particularly in cats. Look for signs of tension or stiffness, limping or shivering. If they seem to be licking or scratching at a particular area, they could be instinctively trying to care for a wound, even if there isn’t a visible cut or internal pain.

Seeking treatment

Not all signs will be noticeable, but if you have any concerns, you should contact a specialist medical professional like an emergency vet. Adelaide Veterinary Specialist and Referral Centre (AVSARC) is the first facility in South Australia to offer a comprehensive vet referral service for small animals. It shares its premises with AEC Adelaide for round-the-clock animal emergency and critical care. Don’t try to treat your animal yourself as you could easily make the problem worse if it hasn’t been professionally diagnosed.

Other animals

Birds often pluck their feathers excessively in parts where they are suffering pain, although this can also be a behavioral problem, sometimes caused by stress or anxiety. Reptiles, such as iguanas, may become lethargic and depressed, although a sharp pain can cause them to flick their tail aggressively. Rabbits often grind their teeth and may exhibit rapid or shallow breathing. They may groom less or may pull or bite at their fur. Look too for glassy, unfocused eyes, hunched posture, and a reluctance to move.

Loss of appetite

Not eating is a good sign that something is wrong in most animals. They may also drink less, but equally, excessive thirst can be a sign of dehydration or kidney problems. Any unusual behavior should be noted, as well as when this behavior occurs. Is it more pronounced after exercise, in the morning, or later at night?

Even though animals can’t speak and are reluctant to make a fuss, there are ways to tell when they’re in pain. Often this can be rectified easily, but the sooner it is treated, the better the chances are for a full recovery.


Tips for First Time Dog Owners

Bringing home a new puppy – or a fully grown dog! – is one of the most exciting days in your life. It’s a new friend, a playmate, and a loyal companion who can change your life in all sorts of wonderful ways. It can also be an overwhelming day – you need to settle your dog in its new home and make sure it’s comfortable and happy. This is the foundation that will define your whole relationship with your new dog, so it’s important to think carefully and get it right.


Scent is one of your dog’s most important senses and that means you can use it to help your new pet feel at home. Bring blankets or toys from its previous home with you when it comes home. This means it will have familiar comforting smells in those crucial early days while it adapts to your care.

Stay Calm

While getting a new dog is exciting, showing that excitement can be really overwhelming for a small puppy. Try to remain calm, and don’t shower it with all the affection you are feeling. Your new dog has been taken away from everything it’s familiar with, maybe even its family. You need to give it some time to adjust.


While very new puppies need to have their vaccinations before they can be taken for a walk outdoors, a long walk with your new dog is a great early step for all sorts of reasons. It will help your dog to burn off some of its energy and rest easier in its new home. It will also help to get it used to the new sights and smells in the local area so it can start to feel normal and like home.

Keeping Healthy

Dogs are prey to numerous health conditions and many of them aren’t serious and can be relied on to clear up on their own. The important thing is being able to identify what symptoms are telling you something is wrong so you can take your dog to the vet when it really needs it.

One example is tummy trouble – lots of dogs will suffer upset stomachs occasionally, and you’ll have to clear up some vomit or diarrhea. But if you’re complaining ‘my dog has diarrhea’ on a regular basis then there might be a deeper issue affecting your dog, and whether it’s disease, diet or injury, it’s your responsibility to help out your new canine companion with some expert medical help.

Mike Paul

Why Do Dogs Make Great Pets?

The decision to get a dog is not one to be taken lightly. There is so much to consider including the cost, the change to your daily routine, the impact they will have on your home and family, and how you will take care of them if they were to get sick. For some, it just isn’t practical to get a dog, but for those who can, these creatures make absolutely amazing pets. If you’re considering getting a dog and the idea seems to be a good one but you’ve yet to truly commit, here are some of the reasons why you should have a dog in your life and why they make such great pets.

Dogs are Protectors

Dogs are natural protectors, meaning that if they are loyal to someone or something (such as you, your family, and your home) they will do what they can to keep it safe. This is why guard dogs exist. Although your family pet won’t be at quite the same level as a highly trained and potentially dangerous guard dog, they will still offer you a great deal of protection, which can help you feel a lot safer in your daily life.

In many cases, the dog doesn’t even have to do anything other than simply be there; if, for example, someone were thinking of breaking into your home but they saw you had a dog, they won’t know how much of a protector that dog really is. It is likely they will move onto a different house, one with a dog to worry about, rather than take a risk with yours.

Dogs Keep You Active

Dogs don’t ask for a lot. They want a happy, warm home, loving owners, the right food, and they want exercise. Other than that, they are very easy to care for, which is why dogs are often considered to be the best pets. If you want simple living life pets a dog is a great option.

Regarding the exercise a dog needs, you should be aiming to take them for a walk at least once a day, ideally twice, no matter what the weather. This is clearly good for the dog, but it’s great for you too. If your dog is getting the exercise it needs, so are you. Without a dog would you really make time to go for a daily walk, even if it was raining or very cold? Perhaps not. With a dog you have to, so you are upping the amount of exercise you get overall.

Dogs Stop You Being Lonely

Loneliness can truly be a problem for everyone, no matter what your age. You can even feel lonely when you live with other people if you aren’t able to talk to them about your problems or you don’t feel a proper connection. A dog is a great solution to this problem (a problem which, if left unchecked, can cause mental health issues). When you have a dog, you are always going to have someone there for you, someone who is glad to see you, who wants to be with you, and to whom you can talk if you want to.

Plus, when you are out with your dog, it is likely you’ll see other dog owners walking their own pets. Even if you don’t stop and talk to them, a friendly smile or wave is a great form of human connection that can make you feel so much better.


How To Tell When Your Cat Is Sick

The internet wouldn’t be the internet without cats. Cat memes have been a ‘thing’ online for as long as it’s been possible to share images in the digital environment, and that’s a reflection of how much the world loves cats. They’re quirky, arrogant, picky creatures who would probably just as soon eat you as settle down on your lap for a cuddle, but we just can’t help but find them adorable no matter how indifferent they might appear to us.

Because we find cats so adorable, we’re inclined to take them in as pets, and we like to tell ourselves that they’re cheaper to care for and less high-maintenance than dogs. That isn’t necessarily the case. Cats can be very expensive, and doubly so when they get ill. One or two of you might be familiar with the online slots games ‘Exotic Cats’ and ‘OMG Kittens,’ and if so, you’ll already know the accuracy of the comparison we’re about to make. When you place a wager on a slots, you have no idea what’s going to happen next. You might win big, or you might win nothing at all. Putting food into a cat or a kitten is often a similar experience, even if it’s the same type of food you’ve fed them multiple times before. You might get a meow of appreciation, or you might get a spectacular projectile vomit display. If the latter happens, you might be inclined to make a costly phone call to the vet. At least you’re in control of how much you spend with the online slots; a vet’s bill can hit three figures within seconds and keep rising higher!

How do you know when your cat is ‘bluffing,’ though? How, as an owner, can you tell the difference between an innocuous one-off bout of sickness and a potentially more serious problem? There are a few things you can look out for, and we’ve outlined them for you below.

Your Cat Has Stopped Using The Litter Tray

Not all cats like litter trays. Some will use them instinctively when they’re put in front of one even if they’ve never seen one before, while others will require extensive training before they’ll even go near one. No two cats are the same! If your cat has always been fine with its litter tray and suddenly stops using it, though, something is probably wrong. Ask yourself whether you’ve changed anything about their diet or their cat litter recently. If you have, immediately change it back to whatever you were using before. It wouldn’t hurt to give their litter tray a deep clean either. If there’s still a problem, your pet might have a gastrointestinal issue that may require the attention of a qualified professional. If your cat is male, this might also be an insecurity issue. Insecure cats will spray all over the house to mark their territory even if they’ve lived there for years, so something may recently have made your furry friend feel insecure in their own home. They’re complicated creatures!

Your Cat Has Started Hiding From You

Cats are defensive creatures. If they’re feeling vulnerable, their first instinct is to find somewhere hidden so they can convalesce without fear of being attacked by predators. That might not be rational if their hiding place is somewhere within your home, where they’re perfectly safe anyway, but whoever said cats were rational? If your cat feels that it can no longer control the symptoms of its illness, whether that he vomiting, diarrhea, a bad limp, or something else, it will find somewhere that it doesn’t usually go and stay there until it feels better – assuming it ever feels better at all. Unfortunately, a normally-loving cat that suddenly starts hiding from you is probably in very poor health, and it’s essential that you contact a vet as quickly as possible.

Their Nose Is Overly Wet

We’ve all been told the same lie about cats noses, and the lie applies to dogs’ noses too. We’re told that when their noses are a little bit wet, they’re healthy, and if they’re dry, they’re probably ill. This is well-intentioned advice, but it isn’t necessarily true. There’s a difference between ‘wet’ and ‘dripping,’ and if a cat’s nose is too wet, it might have a respiratory infection. At the risk of putting things too simply, a cat’s nose can run for the same reason a human’s nose can run when they’re feeling under the weather. If you’re not sure whether your cat’s nose is just wet enough or a pinch too wet, look for other tell-tale signs. Runny eyes often accompany a runny nose when a cat is sick, and they’ll probably be doing more meowing than usual, too.

Their Coat Isn’t Soft Anymore

Your cat’s coat is their pride and joy. If you counted up all the hours they spent licking and preening it, it would probably be a quarter of their entire lifespan! Your cat puts a lot of work into keeping its coat shiny and glossy, and so if it’s lost some of its sheen, there’s probably a reason for that. Look out for bald spots, rough patches, or excessive shedding. This could be something as trivial as a flea infestation, which is dealt with quite easily, or a fungal infection, which will require a vet’s assistance. In some cases, loss of fur or changes in the quality of a cat’s coat can be a nutritional issue and might suggest that there’s something untoward going on within your pet’s body. If you’re in doubt, you should always contact a vet. We’re sure you’d agree that it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Aside from the above, use your common sense. If your cat is throwing up or going to the toilet far more than normal and the symptoms persist for longer than a day, they need your help. If they suddenly have a limp, and there are no obvious signs of an injury, they might have joint issues. If they’re meowing far more than they normally do, they might be asking you for assistance! Your cat might not be able to speak, but it can certainly communicate using its voice and body language, so keep a close eye on it. Cats can get sick just like we can, but they can also get better if we make sure they get the help they need early enough!


What Is the Cause Behind Dog Skin Problems?

Your adorable dog holds a special place in your heart and offers you some unforgettable and pleasant moments to cherish. But seeing the pet suffering from issues like skin diseases is like going through an awful experience as ensuring his comfort has always been your topmost priority, right? Unfortunately, skin problems are quite common in canines and can cause severe discomfort to your cherished pet. There are over 150 types of skin disorders out there and sometimes appear as the sign of some underlying health issues. The unpleasant truth is any of them can attack your furry friend anytime, inducing further complications and suffering if they remain untreated!

Feeding a balanced diet along with proper grooming and dog skin and coat supplement can be a great help in keeping his skin and fur in the best conditions. Again, when you know what is causing your pet to suffer, you can take necessary measures to combat and prevent the issues from becoming severe.

Causes behind Skin Issues in Dogs

To help you out fighting off the skin issues, we have summarized here some common culprits that are behind the sufferings in your beloved pet.

Environmental Allergens

Environmental allergens are a common cause of inducing epidemic issues called “Atopy” in your pet. Your dog may develop itchiness all over the body whenever he comes in contact with the allergens like mud, pollen, or mildew, and the problem can be severe, causing frequent scratching, hair loss in patches, redness, or lesions. The allergens are microscopic and can get penetrated through the skin of the canines having sensitivity issues as most of them have skin barrier problems genetically. Thus the allergy gets intense, and over time, causes infection and dermatitis in dogs.


The sad truth is, your pet needs to go through a long term treatment to fight off this disease, including eliminating the allergens from his epidermis, treat his skin barrier, or monitor the swelling as per the advice of your vet.

Nutritional Allergens

Yes, it’s true. Though rare, your dog can get allergies because of some of the food, specifically the proteins you give. Is your pup frequently scratching the skin or developing inflammation? Have you noticed him suffering from digestive problems or vomiting? The most probable cause of these symptoms is the proteins like pork, eggs, beef, lamb, or fish you are feeding him are allergic to your pup and require immediate consultation with your vet.


The vet may advise you to go through a process of elimination of 8-12 weeks to find out the allergen in his diet. Once you find the culprit, you need to avoid it.


Another very painful yet a common cause of skin issues in dogs is infections. Infections induce when the skin of the pet gets affected by yeast, fungi, or bacteria. Usually, these organisms don’t cause any harm to your pet but can cause infections if the normal condition of the skin changes or any immune issue occurs. These infections can also appear as a secondary outcome of another skin problem when the pet scratches or licks the affected areas excessively.


Due to bacterial infections, your pet may suffer from redness or severe inflammation that couples with discolored discharge. If your pet gets infected by yeast, you may notice a musty odor, flaky skin, hyperpigmentation, itchiness, ear infection, or redness. When the dog gets affected by a fungal infection like ringworm, you may notice the discoloration of the infected areas accompanied by excessive scratching, hair loss, and crusty coat.


Parasites are another common cause of itching and irritations in your pet. You may think your pup is free from any parasites, but the fact is, he can get them from anywhere, ranging from the environment to your home! You may notice fleas as black spots and immediately go away, leaving ‘flea dirt’ behind. Ticks stick to one place in his skin and live on your dog by sucking his blood! Besides ticks and fleas, your pet may also get affected by microscopic parasites like lice. Well, getting rid of these parasites is a bit difficult, and requires regular grooming and using medicated shampoos along with cleaning his bed periodically.


We often overlook any underlying diseases as a cause of coat issues, but it is a very significant aspect to treat epidermic problems from the root. For example, if your pup has metabolic or thyroid disorders, his coat condition can deteriorate. You may notice severe hair loss, and the skin may get darkened in areas like the chest and legs, accompanied by other symptoms, like bowel problems as a sign of any underlying illness.


Your vet may recommend a blood test to determine the cause and prescribe medicines accordingly.

Poor Care

Don’t misunderstand assuming that you are not taking proper care of your beloved pet! The fact is, despite all your earnest efforts, the food you are supplying to the pup may lack the nutrients he requires, or you may need to introduce a coat supplement to improve his health condition.

If you notice dryness, itchiness, fur loss, or digestive issues, it’s time to revise his diet and grooming and give him coat supplements. These supplements contain all essential nutrients to repair his fur, boost the immune system, and help him maintain the lustrous hair you always cherish!

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4 Treatments Your Pet Could Need

Whatever animal you have chosen to bring home, your pet will become a new addition to your family. You are responsible for their well-being, and this must be carefully considered before you bring your pet home. From their feeding routine to exercise to regular check-ups with the vet, your animal companion needs you to be reliable and to make sure they’re getting everything they need. This includes the right kind of medical treatment and other healthcare requirements.

Below are 4 treatments your pet could need that you can ask your vet about.


Animals can pick up viruses and diseases just as easily as humans, which is why getting them properly vaccinated is a big responsibility for pet owners. Not only must you do this to protect your pet, but also other people or animals in the wild that they may come into contact with. Things like rabies, Lyme disease, canine flu, or feline leukemia are all examples of some of the illnesses your pet could develop. You can find out more about these vaccinations at

Fleas and Ticks

Creepy crawlies aren’t just uncomfortable for your pets, but they can end up irritating you, too. The last thing you want is to find your home has become infested with fleas or ticks because your pet has been scratching and rubbing themselves up against your furniture to relieve the itch. There are flea and tick prevention treatments you can give to your pets to reduce the risk of them suffering from this problem, and it will allow you to keep your home free from insects.

Behavioral Training

Sometimes your pet might not be very well behaved, and this can cause a lot of stress and frustration for you as the owner. Whether they tear up your belongings, consistently go to the toilet on your couch or bed, or are mean spirited towards other people or animals, it can be overwhelming to try and tackle this on your own.

This is where behavioral training and counseling for your pet could help. Sometimes it’s better to leave things to the professionals and they will have a better understanding of how to discipline your pet or help them overcome their aggressive behavior. If you are struggling to train your pet, you should ask your vet if they can help or recommend someone else who can.


What your pet eats will have a direct impact on their well-being, so you must know what their dietary requirements are before you bring them home. You should also be careful about how many treats you give them as this could lead to them becoming overweight and greedy. If you are worried about your pets’ eating habits or diet, speak to your vet about their nutrition and see if you can work out a plan together to get their health back on track.

Being responsible for a pet isn’t always easy, but it’s part of the job. Make sure your pet is happy and healthy by using these treatments and services.


Getting a Portrait of Your Dog – Should you Go Hand Painted or Digital?

Getting a portrait of your dog is one of the biggest growing trends among pet owners right now. Having a portrait of your family members may be common already, but dogs are becoming one of the most popular subjects for family portraits!

In the USA, there are around 90 million pet dogs, and so it’s hardly surprising that dog portraits are becoming so popular. Lots of people want to commemorate their favorite pooch and what better way than ordering a dog portrait to display in your home? There are lots of different types of pet portraits, and these include hand-painted and digital paintings. In this guide, we’ll be explaining the differences between each. We’ll also look at the advantages and disadvantages of each type of portrait style.

What Are Digital Portraits?

A digital portrait is a painting of a person or a pet that’s made using digital art software. Today, there are lots of different programs used by artists to create digital paintings and drawings. These can be a lot more convenient since they’re often faster to make, and any errors can quickly be undone. That doesn’t mean that digital portraits require less talent, however. The artist still needs to be incredibly talented to make the portrait look realistic.

Digital portraits can look very different from each other. There are lots of different techniques, programs, and brushstrokes that the artist can use. This leads to a lot of different varieties of styles, just like traditional art.

Digital portraits also don’t require a canvas. You can print the image onto other items, including t-shirts, mugs, and anything else you like. You can print hundreds of versions of the same picture, meaning you can create loads of brilliant gifts for your friends and family.

Are Hand-Painted Portraits Better?

The answer to this question depends on who you ask. It’s really down to a matter of opinion over which is best as both have their advantages and disadvantages. Most digital portraits look just as good if not better than their hand-painted counterparts. Some people simply prefer the fact that the artist creates the painting using traditional methods, however.

It really comes down to personal preference. But in terms of the quality, both hand-painted and digital portraits are comparable. A hand-painted portrait will have that authentic painting look. But digital portraits can still capture the effect of brushstrokes and dried acrylic or oil paint to look more realistic.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Portraits

  • Pieces are generally easier and faster to produce. This means they’re often better valued and will be delivered to you faster.
  • Digital artwork often has a clean style that matches a lot of modern decoration.
  • You can print the digital portrait on anything, not just a canvas. Most digital portrait creators let you put your portrait on items, perfect as a gift for family members.
  • It’s now much easier to find digital portrait makers than traditional artists online.
    • May not look as authentic as a traditional portrait.
    • Often less versatile in the techniques the artist can use.
    • Digital portraits tend to be less unique, as there are no errors or imperfections.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Hand-Painted Portraits

  • Hand-painted portraits often look more unique and interesting thanks to slight errors and imperfections.
  • Traditional art has a specific look that is hard to capture using digital techniques. The portrait will look authentic when examined up close.
  • Traditional hand-painted portraits might be able to capture the character and personality of your pet better. But this depends more on the skill of the artist.
    • Hand-painted portraits tend to be more expensive as the materials such as paints, canvas, etc. affect the price.
    • Traditional portraits tend to take longer because they require a lot more care and attention to detail. If the artist makes a mistake, they can’t undo it in the press of a button.
    • The portrait can’t be copied or reproduced in any other format, so you won’t be able to print your portrait on gifts and items.



Why You Should Vaccinate Your Pet

Just as there is widespread discussion over the necessity of vaccinations for humans, these same conversations are being had about whether or not we should vaccinate our pets. Some people are worried about vaccinations doing more harm than good to our furry companions and feel that since most diseases have been eradicated in animal populations, there is no need to vaccinate any more.

Prevention of global disease outbreak

Vaccines are not just beneficial for the health of your own pet. They are essential for preventing the spread of disease. An example of this is the spread of rabies in Latin America. Rabies is a disease that is transmitted through the bite of infected animals. It affects both animals and humans, and it is fatal.

A regional program was launched in 1983 to prevent the spread of rabies by using a program of coordinated vaccinations. Since then there has been a reduction in cases of humans with rabies by 95% and of dogs with rabies by 93%.

By vaccinating your pet against rabies, you could literally be saving lives. Some animals cannot be vaccinated for health reasons, and if your dog were to contract rabies and then pass it on to one of these dogs, and a few other families make this same decision, it would be contributing to rabies becoming a problem in the United States again. It’s also worth noting that many states require by law that dogs be vaccinated against rabies.

It’s cheaper than the alternative

More and more vets are working to make vaccinations as affordable as possible. For example, offers a low-cost vaccination clinic in Frisco.

When you compare this to the potential cost of treating your pet if they contract a dangerous disease, it just makes sense. Add to this the heartbreak of looking after your furry friend when they are unwell, and it’s easy to see why vaccination is the right choice.

Vaccinations prevent diseases in cats like Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia, and also Feline Leukemia which is always fatal over time. In dogs, vaccinations are used to prevent Canine Distemper, Adenovirus Type 2, Parainfluenza and Parvovirus which are deadly, particularly in puppies. They are also used to avoid Leptospirosis, which attacks the kidneys and Lyme Disease, which attacks the joints and kidneys and is very difficult to treat, even with aggressive antibiotics.

Talk to your vet

Some of the concerns over vaccinations are based around an idea of ‘over-vaccination’, that is giving your pet’s vaccinations that they really don’t need. It is further exacerbated by the fact that some vaccines do cause side effects.

There isn’t actually any evidence that ‘over-vaccination’ is detrimental to the health of your pet. Still, it does make sense to ensure that they are only getting the vaccinations that they actually need. If you are concerned, then speak to your vet about what vaccinations they recommend for your pet, why they are supporting them, and if there is any risk of side effects. A good vet will be willing to have these conversations with you and to work out the vaccination schedule that is the most appropriate for your pet based on their lifestyle. For example, you probably don’t need to worry about kennel cough if your dog isn’t coming into contact with other dogs.


Tips for Flying With Your Fur Baby

Taking your fur baby on an adventure with the rest of the family can easily make for a super fun vacation. However, the prospect of flying with your four-legged friend can be hard on the family and the pup alike. Remember, just because you and your family are used to traveling doesn’t mean that your pupper is.

However, don’t let the idea scare you and stop you from allowing your canine pal to come on vacation with you. Follow the tips below for flying with your fur baby to ensure their safety and happiness.

Consider all alternatives before choosing to fly

If you plan on bringing your pet along on your vacation, car travel is the safest and easiest way to go. Flying can affect different pets in different ways, so consider all alternatives before you choose to fly. If flying is your only option, then you need to weigh the pros and cons as to whether taking your pet with you is the best possible choice.

Keep your pet in the cabin with you if possible

Many airlines have an in-cabin policy concerning smaller animals. If you have a small dog that can be put in a carrier and kept under your seat then that’s the best option for you and your dog. You need to call well in advance, because it’s possible the airline you choose will have a limit to the number of pets that are allowed in-cabin — and you want to get a spot for your pet as quickly as possible. The airline will probably charge you a small fee for this. Additionally, you can see if you’re able to take your pup with you if they’re officially an emotional support animal (read up on the requirements here).

Make sure your pup is tired, fed, and had a potty break

Tiring your pup out before he goes into the crate is a great way to ensure he sleeps for most of the trip. Make sure that he’s fed, exercised and has been outside to potty before the trip begins for the best results. It’s also a good idea to pamper your pet with something like pet relief CBD oil before the trip. CBD oil is a safe, effective way to ensure your pet is getting nutrients, proteins, and fats. It may also help calm them down if they’re anxious. Do not give your pet a tranquilizer before the trip, because it could be dangerous to the pet’s health. If you feel like tranquilizers are the only way to go, then you need to consult with your vet first, and specifically let them know it’s for flying.

Purchase a secure leash

You’re going to have to get your dog from the car and through the airport without incident. Many dogs are scared of strange places and crowds of people. Talking gently to your dog and making sure that you have a durable harness for dogs is the best way to protect not only your pet, but others on your trip. Remember, even the best of pets can act out when in an unfamiliar situation. Having your pet on a secure leash and harness is the best way to ensure their safety.

Open the carrier and examine your canine pal

As soon as you’re able to get to your pet when your flight lands, open the carrier and examine your dog from top to bottom. If you feel that something is off, or your pet has an injury, report it right away. Then, immediately take the dog to the local vet. Get proof of any injuries or sickness in writing as well.

These are just a few of the best tips out there for flying with your fur baby. It can be a little overwhelming and scary for both of you the first time you travel together, but following the tips above will help you all get through the situation and onto your vacation.